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All notable changes to the Compiler will be documented in this file. Note that these changes in this file are specifically for the Compiler. The full summary will be in the file the main folder

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v0.2.dev1 - 2021-08-13

  • Rewrite of the base structure. Not all changes will be noted here, but main ones!


  • Message-Broker for handling incoming events and distribute them to the listeners.
  • Event-Buffers, which store the events and will one by one execute the events/ call its listeners. This can be changed by setting queue_events in the client to False, which means all tasks are immediately sent to the event-loop and executed in the next cycle if possible.
  • New event_parsers file with a new execution schema, where calling the function will simply add the event with its data, args and kwargs to the buffer.
  • Added HivenEventHandler as a class and interface for listeners and functions related to that.
  • Implementation of SingleDispatchEventListener, which will listen for an event once and execute an assigned coroutine when the event is received. This can be done dynamically using HivenEventHandler.add_single_listener()
  • Implementation of MultiDispatchEventListener, which will listen for an event until the bot is stopped. Will call a coroutine every time the event is received. Creating one can be done dynamically using HivenEventHandler.add_multi_listener()
  • wait_for function in HivenEventHandler, which will dynamically wait for an event. This will under the hood create a simple SingleDispatchEventListener. It will return the data passed to the function as well.
  • dispatch_event function in HivenEventHandler, which will dynamically add a new event to the buffer with the args and kwargs passed.
  • call_listeners to call all listeners for an event based on the passed args and kwargs. This will call them directly and not utilise the message-broker unlike dispatch_event
  • HTTPRateLimitError for receiving http rate-limits (429) and parameter retry_on_rate_limit to raw_request()
  • Parameter remove_listeners to HivenClient.close(), which will, if set to True, remove all listeners created using @client.event(), add_multi_listener() and add_single_listener()


  • Rewrite of the base structure
  • Proper WebSocket structure, with init handling that will delay all other incoming events until the Bot is ready. This means when the Bot enters ready state all cached events are sent to the event-buffer.
  • Base Types for referencing general types in the library
  • Cache implementation using, which will hold and store values and provide functions for generating data and update the cache correctly. This will remove implementations in the data classes itself.
  • Dot-Env Handling, which will now load the openhivenpy.env file on default and update all variables based on the given input. This will avoid None values when an .env file only updates a few values


  • Old structure (everything not mentioned in changed or added is likely gone)

v0.1.3.2 - 2021-04-09


  • Updated validation traceback #69
  • Updated presence to be a string and removed the deprecated and unneeded class


  • Small code enhancements before v0.2 rewrite


  • Unneeded exception log inside the exception strings and replaced it with from e to have a cleaner traceback

v0.1.3.1 - 2021-04-09


  • Error-messages for ValidationError in from_dict() inside type classes


  • Updated
  • #68 Fixed with removal of name parameter in asyncio.create_task() which is unsupported in 3.7


  • Old licensing of FrostbyteSpace and updated the URLs to the latest changes

v0.1.3 - 2021-02-16


  • HivenObject as Base for Type Classes
  • more TypeHinting using the module typing
  • ObjectValidation as in #46 using an integration of a @classmethod for object creation as explained in #37. Will likely switch from marshmallow to another library for the sake of speed and more efficiency (or possibly own implementation using @dataclass
  • wait_for_initialisation() and wait_for_ready() to the WebSocket to wait for the initialisation or ready state to be fired
  • op-code constants to the WebSocket
  • Missing Schemas and fully implemented the Validation process
  • client_user to PrivateRoom and PrivateGroupRoom
  • bucket, author_id, exploding_age and device_id to the Message Class
  • Missing CLOSED and CLOSING handlers to the WebSocket
  • Event USER_UPDATE as event and its corresponding event_handler on_user_update
  • Exceptions to object initialisation and validation


  • Fixed HivenClient.close() for closing the HivenClient Connection
  • Updated current docstrings as in #36
  • Fixed circular Import errors and fixed some Type Errors
  • Fixed WebSocket bug causing events to be fired before the initialisation was successful
  • Fixed bug causing last_message_id sometimes to be a string and not an integer
  • Fixed multiple WebSocket and Instance Construction bugs


  • Deprecated timeout_handler and replaced it with a standard asyncio.wait_for()

v0.1.2 - 2021-02-03


  • Traceback to in-code exceptions for easier debugging and testing
  • Proper docs to the HTTP Class, and it's methods
  • json and header with default None as parameters to the HTTP method requests. If they are not overwritten by a passed parameter:
  • param json: Will not get passed to the requests to allow a data field of any type
  • param headers: Will be overwritten by the default headers, and the passed as an argument to the request
  • on_house_delete and on_house_member_leave as events and added correct handling
  • username option for Client.edit(**kwargs)
  • create_private_group_room as method in the class HivenClient
  • Until now missing entity object to the event on_house_entity_update


  • Rewrite of core Websocket Event Handling:
  • Moved handler methods from response_handler to the websocket object itself (Will be changed in the Websocket Rewrite and EventHandling Update)
  • Renamed EventHandler event-function names and changed name prefix to dispatch_{event_name}
  • Rewrote restart handler and moved the instantiation of the loop from Connection.connect() to and HivenClient.connect() to not be dependent on the connection object itself. This will avoid that the restart handler is also affected when the connection fails due to an exception.
  • Fixed Client.edit(**kwargs) bug causing issues with data being passed as json without correct formatting. Caused by HTTP.patch() faulty param passing to HTTP.raw_request()
  • Fixed room_create as event and added group room creation
  • Fixed cache lists reference error caused by prior commits (houses, rooms, users etc.)
  • Rewrote create_private_room in HivenClient to take only the user parameter instead of user_id and user
  • Fixed attribute joined_at in the class Member
  • Renamed object Category to Entity to be equivalent to the Hiven API
  • Fixed fetch_invite() and Invite Object Creation bug
  • on_house_member_exit to on_house_member_offline and on_house_member_enter to on_house_member_online
  • Fixed HOUSE_MEMBER_EXIT bug causing members to be removed from houses instead of being set offline
  • Added better traceback for exceptions, including event_listener methods to avoid that asyncio exceptions are thrown and added log_traceback(level='error', msg='Traceback: ', suffix=None) as function to utils
  • Fixed room_create as event and added group room creation


  • joined_at from User
  • ping from the HivenClient (Will be added back later but with better implementation)

Last update: 2021-08-13