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HivenEventHandler and Listeners


DispatchEventListener is the base Class for SingleDispatchEventListener and MultiDispatchEventListener, which should not be used

Base Class for all DispatchEventListeners

awaitable: Union[Awaitable, Callable] property readonly

client: HivenClient property readonly

event_name: str property readonly


__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) special

Returns the dispatch function of the class itself

:param event_data: Data of the received event :param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutine :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutine :return: The coroutine instance which can be used in an await expression or asyncio functions

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def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[Coroutine, Awaitable]:
    Returns the dispatch function of the class itself

    :param event_data: Data of the received event
    :param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutine
    :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutine
    :return: The coroutine instance which can be used in an await
     expression or asyncio functions
    dispatch: Union[Callable, Union[Awaitable, Callable]] = getattr(
        self, 'dispatch'
    return dispatch(*args, **kwargs)

__init__(self, client, event_name, awaitable) special

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def __init__(
        client: HivenClient,
        event_name: str,
        awaitable: Union[Awaitable, Callable]
    self._client = client
    self._event_name = event_name
    self._awaitable: Optional[Awaitable] = None

__repr__(self) special

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def __repr__(self):
    info = [
        ('event_name', getattr(self, 'event_name', None)),
        ('awaitable', getattr(self, 'awaitable', None))
    return '<MultiDispatchEventListener {}>'.format(
        ' '.join('%s=%s' % t for t in info)

__str__(self) special

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def __str__(self):
    return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} for event {self.event_name}>"

dispatch(self) async

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async def dispatch(self) -> None:

set_awaitable(self, awaitable)

Sets the coroutine of the event_listener, which will be called when ws-events are received

:param awaitable: Awaitable (Coroutine Function). Can NOT be a initialised coroutine, since parameters will be passed on Runtime and coroutines are limited to a one-time execution. Coroutine functions or standard asyncio awaitable functions are defined using the async def syntax

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def set_awaitable(self, awaitable: Union[Awaitable, Callable]) -> None:
    Sets the coroutine of the event_listener, which will be called when
    ws-events are received

    :param awaitable: Awaitable (Coroutine Function). Can NOT be a
     initialised coroutine, since parameters will be passed on Runtime and
     coroutines are limited to a one-time execution. Coroutine functions
     or standard asyncio awaitable functions are defined using the
     `async def` syntax
    if inspect.iscoroutine(awaitable):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Coroutine are not allowed as event_listener awaitable")
    elif inspect.isawaitable(awaitable) or inspect.iscoroutinefunction(
        self._awaitable = awaitable
        raise RuntimeError(f"Expected awaitable, but got {type(awaitable)}")


Usage classes, which represent DispatchEventListener

EventListener Class that is used primarily for EventListeners that will be called multiple times


dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs) async

Dispatches the EventListener and calls a coroutine if one was passed. Does not raise exceptions but silences them!

:param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutine :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutine

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async def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
    Dispatches the EventListener and calls a coroutine if one was passed.
    Does not raise exceptions but silences them!

    :param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutine
    :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutine
        await self.awaitable(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:
            brief=f"[EVENTS] Ignoring exception in {repr(self)}:",
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Failed to execute assigned coroutine "
        ) from e

EventListener Class that will be called only once and will store the events data, args and kwargs

args: tuple property readonly

dispatched: bool property readonly

kwargs: dict property readonly


__init__(self, client, event_name, awaitable) special

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def __init__(self, client: HivenClient, event_name: str,
             awaitable: Union[Awaitable, Callable]):
    self._dispatched = False
    self._event_data = None
    self._args = None
    self._kwargs = None
    super().__init__(client, event_name, awaitable)

__repr__(self) special

Source code in openhivenpy\
def __repr__(self):
    info = [
        ('event_name', getattr(self, 'event_name', None)),
        ('dispatched', self.dispatched),
        ('awaitable', getattr(self, 'awaitable', None))
    return '<SingleDispatchEventListener {}>'.format(' '.join('%s=%s' % t for t in info))

dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs) async

Dispatches the EventListener and calls a coroutine if one was passed

:param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutine :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutine :return: Returns the passed event_data

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async def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
    Dispatches the EventListener and calls a coroutine if one was passed

    :param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutine
    :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutine
    :return: Returns the passed event_data
        self._args = args
        self._kwargs = kwargs
        await self.awaitable(*args, **kwargs)

    except Exception as e:
            brief=f"[EVENTS] Ignoring exception in {repr(self)}:",
        raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to execute assigned coroutine '{self.awaitable.__name__}'") from e
    self._dispatched = True


The HivenEventHandler is already inherited in the standard client (HivenClient), so all properties and methods can be used there as well.

Events class used to register the main event listeners. Is inherited by the HivenClient for easier access.

active_listeners: Dict[str, List[DispatchEventListener]] property readonly

available_events: List[str] property readonly

non_buffer_events: List[str] property readonly


__init__(self, client, parsers) special

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def __init__(self, client: HivenClient, parsers: HivenParsers):
    self.parsers = parsers
    self._client = client
    self._active_listeners = {}
    self._available_events = EVENTS
    self._non_buffer_events = NON_BUFFER_EVENTS

    # Searching through the HivenClient to find all async functions that
    # were registered for event_listening Regular functions will NOT be
    # registered and only if they are async! This will avoid that errors
    # are thrown when trying to call the functions using 'await'
    for listener in inspect.getmembers(
            self, predicate=inspect.iscoroutinefunction
        func_name = listener[0].replace('on_', '')
        awaitable = listener[1]
        if func_name in self._available_events:
            self.add_multi_listener(func_name, awaitable)
            logger.debug(f"[EVENTS] Event {listener[0]} registered")

add_listener(self, listener)

Adds the listener to the client cache and will create a new list if the event_name does not exist yet!

:param listener: The Listener that will be added

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def add_listener(self, listener: DispatchEventListener) -> None:
    Adds the listener to the client cache and will create a new list if
     the event_name does not exist yet!

    :param listener: The Listener that will be added
    if self.active_listeners.get(listener.event_name):
        self.active_listeners[listener.event_name] = [listener]

add_multi_listener(self, event_name, awaitable)

Adds a new event listener to the list of active listeners

:param event_name: The key/name of the event the EventListener should be listening to :param awaitable: Coroutine that should be called when the EventListener was dispatched :return: The newly created EventListener

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def add_multi_listener(
        event_name: str,
        awaitable: Union[Callable, Awaitable]
) -> MultiDispatchEventListener:
    Adds a new event listener to the list of active listeners

    :param event_name: The key/name of the event the EventListener should
      be listening to
    :param awaitable: Coroutine that should be called when the
     EventListener was dispatched
    :return: The newly created EventListener
    event_name = event_name.replace('on_', '')
    if event_name not in self.available_events:
        raise UnknownEventError(
            "The passed event type is invalid/does not exist"

    if self._active_listeners.get(event_name) is None:
        self._active_listeners[event_name] = []

    return MultiDispatchEventListener(self._client, event_name, awaitable)

add_single_listener(self, event_name, awaitable)

Adds a new single dispatch event listener to the list of active listeners

:param event_name: The key/name of the event the EventListener should be listening to :param awaitable: Coroutine that should be called when the EventListener was dispatched :return: The newly created EventListener

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def add_single_listener(
        event_name: str,
        awaitable: Union[Callable, Coroutine]
) -> SingleDispatchEventListener:
    Adds a new single dispatch event listener to the list of active

    :param event_name: The key/name of the event the EventListener should
     be listening to
    :param awaitable: Coroutine that should be called when the
     EventListener was dispatched
    :return: The newly created EventListener
    event_name = event_name.replace('on_', '')
    if event_name not in self.available_events:
        raise UnknownEventError(
            "The passed event type is invalid/does not exist"

    if self._active_listeners.get(event_name) is None:
        self._active_listeners[event_name] = []

    return SingleDispatchEventListener(self._client, event_name, awaitable)

call_listeners(self, event_name, args, kwargs) async

Dispatches all active EventListeners for the specified event. Does not call the parsers but the function directly and requires the args, kwargs passed

Will run all tasks before returning! Only supposed to be called in cases of special events!

:param event_name: The name of the event that should be triggered :param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutines :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutines

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async def call_listeners(
        self, event_name: str, args: tuple, kwargs: dict
) -> None:
    Dispatches all active EventListeners for the specified event.
    Does not call the parsers but the function directly and requires the
    args, kwargs passed


    Will run all tasks before returning! Only supposed to be called in
     cases of special events!

    :param event_name: The name of the event that should be triggered
    :param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutines
    :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutines
    listeners: List[DispatchEventListener] = self._active_listeners.get(
        event_name.lower().replace('on_', '')
    if listeners:
        tasks = [listener(*args, **kwargs) for listener in listeners]
        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)


Cleanups the listeners and empties all active listeners

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def cleanup_listeners(self) -> None:
    """ Cleanups the listeners and empties all active listeners """
    self._active_listeners = {}

dispatch_event(self, event_name, args, kwargs)

Manually adds an event to the event_buffer and triggers all listeners. Will return immediately and does not require asyncio unlike call_listeners which only calls the listeners;

Note that this will NOT call the event parsers but manually directly pass the args and kwargs to the functions!

:param event_name: The name of the event that should be triggered :param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutines :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutines

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def dispatch_event(
        self, event_name: str, args: tuple, kwargs: dict
) -> None:
    Manually adds an event to the event_buffer and triggers all listeners.
    Will return immediately and does not require asyncio unlike
    call_listeners which only calls the listeners;

    Note that this will NOT call the event parsers but manually directly
    pass the args and kwargs to the functions!

    :param event_name: The name of the event that should be triggered
    :param args: Args that will be passed to the coroutines
    :param kwargs: Kwargs that will be passed to the coroutines

    _: MessageBroker = getattr(self, 'message_broker')
    buffer = _.get_buffer(event_name)
            "callee": event_name,
            "caller": "client",
            "time": time.time()

event(self, awaitable=None)

Decorator used for registering Client Events

:param awaitable: Function that should be wrapped and registered

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def event(self, awaitable: Union[Callable, Coroutine] = None) -> Callable:
    Decorator used for registering Client Events

    :param awaitable: Function that should be wrapped and registered

    def decorator(awaitable: Union[Callable, Coroutine]) -> Callable:
        if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(awaitable):
            raise TypeError(
                f"A coroutine was expected, got {type(awaitable)}"


        func_name = awaitable.__name__.replace('on_', '')
        self.add_multi_listener(func_name, awaitable)
        logger.debug(f"[EVENTS] Event {func_name} registered")

        # func can still be used normally outside the event listening
        # process
        return awaitable

    if awaitable is None:
        return decorator
        return decorator(awaitable)

remove_listener(self, listener)

Removes the listener from the client cache

:param listener: The Listener that will be removed :raises KeyError: If the listener does not exist in the cache

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def remove_listener(self, listener: DispatchEventListener) -> None:
    Removes the listener from the client cache

    :param listener: The Listener that will be removed
    :raises KeyError: If the listener does not exist in the cache
    if self.active_listeners.get(listener.event_name):
        raise KeyError("The listener does not exist in the cache")

wait_for(self, event_name, awaitable=None) async

Waits for an event to be triggered and then returns the args and *kwargs passed

:param event_name: Name of the event to wait for :param awaitable: Coroutine that can be passed to be additionally triggered when received :raises UnknownEventError: If the event does not exist :return: A tuple of the args and kwargs => (args, kwargs)

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async def wait_for(
        event_name: str,
        awaitable: Union[Callable, Coroutine, None] = None
) -> Tuple[tuple, dict]:
    Waits for an event to be triggered and then returns the *args and
    **kwargs passed

    :param event_name: Name of the event to wait for
    :param awaitable: Coroutine that can be passed to be additionally
     triggered when received
    :raises UnknownEventError: If the event does not exist
    :return: A tuple of the args and kwargs => (args, kwargs)
    event_name = event_name.replace('on_', '')
    if event_name not in self.available_events:
        raise UnknownEventError(
            "The passed event type is invalid/does not exist"

    listener = self.add_single_listener(event_name, awaitable)
    while not listener.dispatched:
        await asyncio.sleep(.05)

    return listener.args, listener.kwargs

Last update: 2021-08-21