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Welcome to the Contributing page!
If you are here to search for options to share your work and maybe ideas for, we are delighted to hear that!
Since is a "free time" project of Developers, it is heavily dependent on user-feedback, bug reports and also contributions of other users, so it can steadily improve and also stays up-to-date, since Hiven can change very quickly and therefore, the library needs to also apply promptly to these new changes.
Using Github¶
It is relatively easy to contribute if you do it the right way., in this case, uses Github to host it's the repository and manage the project. Therefore, contributions need to be made on Github since else the Developers are not able to correctly integrate your new changes.
If you need a guide for Github, go to the github-guides for git and github.
The issue-page is where you can easily report issues and bugs, share your ideas, and ask questions to the developers and other people who also use So, if you want to contribute, that's the place to go to. Just keep in mind trying to give as much information as possible when reporting something, so the developers who read it can understand the issue or contribution.
For bug reporting info please go to this page
Contributing changes¶
If you found your issue, or your feature you want to work on, make a Fork of the repository and then commit changes to that repository on your account.
Later, when you are done with the changes you wanted to make, you can make a pull-request, where we can then see what changes you made.
Still, for a successful and fast change, a pull-request should contain multiple things:
- A summary of changes
- Motivation and reasoning
- Possible other solutions
- Effects of the changes and issues that might be solved by them
Committing to OpenSource-projects is essential, and that does not only count for this project but for thousands out there that are dependent on the users helping the project when they can! Therefore, if you already have made improvements, reported some bugs or will share some ideas and improvements to an open-source project, you can be sure the owners of the project will forever be thankful for that as long as you do it right and how they want it.